Get More case studies

It’s on every product marketer’s to-do list: get more case studies. But if everyone is doing it, why is it so hard?

This enablement recipe covers everything from getting in front of your customers to creating exciting formats that will convert your prospects. Enjoy!


It Takes A Village

Product marketers can’t be the only ones trying to get the case study.


Timing is Everything.

Since you’re celebrating all the great work their team has done with your product, picking the right time to request their help is key in making it happen.


It’s Not About You!

Pitching the case study and creating a process where your customer benefits from the case study is an incredibly important aspect to getting buy-in.


Handling the Lengthy Corporate Approval Process

Knowing how to navigate, and even get ahead of, this process is going to be crucial to making your customer story public.


Don’t Limit Yourself

It’s 2021. People are on their smartphones 99% of the time, we meet digitally with people across the world, Billionaires ARE LITERALLY GOING TO SPACE… And yet many product marketers choose to create stale text-only PDF case studies to tell their customer stories. Why?