Newsletters Made Easy

Send content updates and track team engagement with Enablix Broadcasts

creating broadcast

Compelling Internal Content

Put together effective newsletters in just a few minutes and avoid email attachments by adding content that already exist in your Enablix portal. Send messages through Slack, Teams or email with links back to all the content your team might need.


Keep Sales Up-To-Date

Avoid requests for content that already exists and keep the sales team up to date with new content. Internal newsletters are easy for the marketing team to create and easy for the sales team to read.

Align Your Partners

Send messages to external partners and customers from within the Enablix platform. Share new product launches or send updates to keep everyone up to date.

broadcast insights

Get Insights

Understand the best way to share content with engagement analytics that provide insights on what is and isn’t working , letting you adjust accordingly and present new content in the most effective way for your team.